My Favorites (“giving Tuesday” & beyond)

If you’re over the age of 35, or maybe a lucky younger adult, you probably remember MySpace. Ohhhh those were the days… the personalization, the playlists, and the “Top 8” section, where you chose the friends’ profiles you wanted showcased on your page.

I wanted my “about me” page to have the nostalgia and fun of MySpace (have you tried out the “customize” section yet?), but what to do about the “top” list section without it being a social media site? I could show you clickable photos of my favorite things, complete with affiliate links, but I’m tired of getting a new sales pitch on every page and wanted at least one page free and clear of that. Maybe a list of favorite places I’ve been? Except that sounds a lot like a watered-down version of my “travel” page.

I decided on charities that I’m familiar with because, every once in awhile, people want to donate or need an end-of-year tax deduction but aren’t sure where to start. Each of the links in that section goes directly to the site- no affiliate links or “extras” for anyone else- and you can use the links to learn more about what that specific organization does and where they serve people. Sometimes they’ll have “Wish Lists” set up that you can shop from, or other ways you can help or get involved.

Also- a donation does not have to be a large amount in order to be effective. Many places can provide a warm meal for $3 or less, and all sorts of people line up for them: the houseless, those who are trying to start a new life, and often the people who do have jobs but still can barely afford to feed their families, let alone themselves at lunch time.

The places I’ve listed on my site just happen to be ones where I’ve donated and/or volunteered when I could, but there are so many more that I wouldn’t know about or have personal experience with and I fully encourage you to find one close to you that lets you get involved in your own community.

That’s all for now! Again, if you’ve got any questions, I’d love to hear them, and if you’ve been enjoying yourself and want to buy me a coffee, you can do that here. Thank you!

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